Child Custody Attorneys Serving Utah

If you have separated from your ex-spouse or ended a relationship with the parent of your children, there is a good chance you no longer see eye to eye.  Our attorneys understand that dealing with a family law issue is difficult enough.  These challenges are made even more difficult when children are involved.  For many years one parent was known to be the primary residential parent, while the other parent was known to be the secondary residential parent.  In today’s legal world it is more common for neither parent to be referred to as the primary or secondary residence.  Instead, a comprehensive parenting plan is created that addresses all essential items as it relates to the life of the child.  This includes how visitation time will be defined on regular weekdays, weekends and holidays.  The parenting plan will also outline educational needs, healthcare, extracurricular activities and even any religious education the children may receive.

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Other concerns with child custody

It is important to remember that the court is going to put the priorities of the children above anything else.  This means that the judge is going to enforce what he or she feels will be the most beneficial to the child.  Our attorneys work hard to draft plans that carefully asses the needs of your children, special concerns you may have as their parent, and of course what our clients want to achieve with their plan and custody agreements.  As with many family law issues, the overall success and ease of the process largely have to due to how well the separated parents can work together.  In worst-case scenarios, negations can fail and it will be up to the court system to decide what is truly in the best interests of each child.  Call our office today to take control of the situation to help achieve the best outcome for your children and your future family.